The stages of going to a book sale…

  1. Pre-sale excitement. “I’m going to a book sale, I’m going to a book sale, I’M GOING TO A BOOK SALE!”
  2. During-sale euphoria.  “Books, books, BOOKS.  Look at all the books!”
  3. During-sale overwhelmed panic. “But which do I buy?  Can I afford them all?  They won’t all fit in my car!”
  4. Checkout anxiety.  “Am I sure I don’t want that Nora Roberts book?  That Jackie Onassis biography looked so lonely…”
  5. Post-sale regret. “I bought too many books.  I didn’t buy enough books.  I should go back.”
  6. To-read list overwhelmed panic.  “WHEN WILL I EVER READ ALL OF THIS?”
  7. Joy.  “Look at all my books.”

I’m going to a book sale tomorrow!

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