New release!

False Notes (Grimford #2)

Ali’s only wish is to figure out what to do with his life. After years of going from job to false notes high resjob, he stumbles into Grimford, seeking the help of an old friend to find his place in the world.

Jasmine wishes her father would realize she is no longer a little girl. She has helped him run his restaurant for most of her life, and she knows it’s time for her to step into a more active role.

Thanks to a fake resume, Ali finds himself in the job Jasmine wants. His wish has come true, while she wishes he’d just go away. When they start to work together on the restaurant’s music festival, they discover a connection that runs deeper than music.

But Ali feels like a fraud. If Jasmine finds out he’s lied his way into their dream job, will she be able to forgive him? Or will the happiness he’s finally found all go up in smoke?

False Notes is a sweet, contemporary retelling of Aladdin.


Why I Love Little Women


Somehow, when I was in elementary school, I stumbled on an anime video of Little Women. From that second on, I was obsessed with the story. I have seen every retelling and read all the versions (including the original). I have so many stories in my life that revolve around Little Women, and with the upswing of movie remakes recently, I’ve been thinking about why the story remains so popular after 150 years. Here’s what I’ve thought up:

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My Favorite Marin Mazzie Performances


For the faithful followers of my blog, you know that I’m something of a Broadway nerd. And the Broadway community lost one of its power players last week. Marin Mazzie was a talented force to be reckoned with. She lost her battle with ovarian cancer without my ever having been able to see her live, but I’ve been listening to cast recordings with her on them for years. So in her honor, I thought I’d share a few of my favorite Marin Mazzie performances.

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Why I’m Excited To Go Back To School

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I’m back! Summer break is over and it’s officially fall for all of the students and teachers going back to school. For those of you who don’t know, my day job has me teaching history to middle schoolers. And though I miss my summer break fiercely, there are some reasons I’m excited to be back.

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Things to be Doing OTHER Than Writing a Blog This Summer

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I’m a teacher, so I always think that summer break is going to be easy and relaxing and very not busy. Just over a week in and, once again, that assumption has proven false. I wanted to warn my faithful followers that my blogging is going to be intermittent this summer. Here are just a few of the (fictional and not) reasons why:

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The Perfect Musical Cast Recordings For Summer

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We teachers are entering into our summer breaks (hooray!), and I am more excited than ever. Here in upstate NY, we’ve already encountered our fair share of warm days. Sometimes the only thing that gets me through a day like that is a wonderful Broadway cast recording. So here are my favorite summer Broadway listens:

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